When looking for the perfect spot to have your Spanish Wedding it has to tick the right boxes with you and when it comes to making the difference so many people underestimate just how much the food can sway the balance at an event. Food can make the difference from just ok to absolutely amazing!
Unless you can draw directly from you memory, imagine this: the day finally arrives and the venue looks fantastic, eveything is in place and running smoothly, the guests arrive for the cocktail reception and little bits of coloured cardboard and other unidentifiable objects begin to sail past you looking like they have been doing the same circuit for at least a couple of hours. No one seems to know what any of it is but you are feeling peckish and decide to be brave. Just in case you drink some more wine to kill anything nasty that you may have ingested and proceed to the banquet with a feeling of apprehension in your stomach, unsure whether it was caused by the last canapé or the fear of what else is to come out of the kitchen.
You sit down to eat and out rolls the predictable mass produced cold cut starter, fish and meat maincourses smothered in sauces with different names but the same flavour accompanied by overstewed vegetables. You find some respite in the lemon and champagne sorbet that divides the fish and meat dish but alas it is short lived, your champagne flute is whisked away before you even get a chance to make loud noises with the straw. To finish you off, sorry I meant to finish off, you are served a slab of rather boring wedding cake. Noooooo!!
Think that I am making it up? If only...
Here at Albayzin del Mar we are passionate about making a difference, this spreads throughout the entire event and the food is most definitely not an exception. All our dishes have been created by our International Executive Chef and you couldn´t be in safer hands. Hailed from early on in his career as someone who would reach great culinary heights, he has more than lived up to expectations having worked all over the world in some of the most distinguished places accumulating precious experience and awards along the way.
We are proud to be able to offer guests the benefit of his expertise and encouraged him to create a selection of delicious Canapés, Fish dishes, Meat dishes and yummy desserts for you to choose from.
The wedding banquet is tailor made to suit your needs. It can be as short or as long as you want and we love to hear your thoughts. If there are vegetarians or guests with food allergies we can cater especially for them and have also elaborated special menus for the little ones.
Your guests can be greeted with an aperitif reception by the fountains, with staff serving stunning canapés that delight all five senses and cater for everyones tastes. The banquet can be held outside in the private tropical gardens to make the most of the balmy subtropical climate. If the weather refuses to collaborate (a rare occurence indeed) there is no need to worry, we always take into account numbers and weather factors and make sure there is an alternative space for the party should the need arise.
If you are interested in learning more about all the wonderful things Albayzin del Mar can do for you, contact their Events Department where friendly staff are always ready to help.